All Seasons - Catalonian Language

Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 |

Episode # Episode Name Foreign Name PresentDescription
S1E01Welcome To LazyTownBenvinguts a Vilamandrayes
S1E02DefeetedDescontrol de peusyes
S1E03Sports DayEl dia de l'esportyes
S1E04Crystal CaperL'embolic del cristalyes
S1E05Sleepless in LazyTownyes
S1E06Swiped SweetsEl pastís pispatyes
S1E07Hero for a DayHeroi per un diayes
S1E08SportafakeEl fals Sportacusyes
S1E09Happy Brush DayAniversari amb raspall de dentsyes
S1E10Lazy ScoutsEscoltes gandulsyes
S1E11Dr RottensteinDoctor Rancisteinyes
S1E12RottenbeardEl pirata Barbarànciayes
S1E13Cry DinosaurQuina por, un dinosaure!yes
S1E14My TreehouseLa meva caseta de l'arbreyes
S1E15The Laziest TownEl poble més gandulyes
S1E16Dear DiaryEstimat diariyes
S1E17Zap ItEliminat!yes
S1E18Records DayEl dia dels rècordsyes
S1E19Prince StingyEl príncep Totmeuyes
S1E21Play DayJuguem ayes
S1E22Remote ControlEl comandament a distànciayes
S1E23Sportacus WhoL'Sportacus Qui ésyes
S1E24Soccer SuckerFanàtics del futbolyes
S1E25Miss RobertaLa Srta. Robertayes
S1E26LazyTowns New SuperheroLa nova superheroïna de Vilamandrayes
S1E27Secret Agent Zeroyes
S1E28LazyTowns Greatest HitsEls grans èxits de Vilamandrayes
S1E29LazyTowns Surprise SantaSanta Claus sorpresa a Vilamandrayes
S1E30Robbies Greatest MissesEls grans fracassos del Robbieyes
S1E31Sports Candy FestivalLa festa de les Esportllamisyes
S1E32Dancing DuelDuel de ballyes
S1E33Ziggys AlienL'amic extraterrestreyes
S1E34Sportacus on the MoveL'Sportacus no para!yes
S2E01Rockin RobbieEl Robbie Superstaryes
S2E02Little SportacusEl petit Sportacusyes
S2E03Trash TroubleProblemes amb les deixallesyes
S2E04Double TroubleProblema dobleyes
S2E05Haunted CastleEl castell encantatyes
S2E06Snow MonsterEl monstre de la neuyes
S2E07The LazyTown CircusEl circ de Vilamandrayes
S2E08Friends ForeverFrau a l'escolayes
S2E09Pixel TVTelepíxelyes
S2E10School ScamAmics per sempreyes
S2E11Energy BookL'album de la energiayes
S2E12Birthday SurpriseSorpresa d'aniversariyes
S2E13LazyTown Goes DigitalVilamandra entra a l'era digitalyes
S2E14The Lazy GenieEl geni gandulyes
S2E15Once Upon a TimeHi havia una vegada...yes
S2E16The Lazy RocketsEls coets mandrososyes
S2E17Dancing DreamsSomnis de dansayes
S2E18Sportacus Saves the ToysL'Sportacus rescata les joguinesyes
S3E02The Greatest GiftEl millor regalyes
S3E03Little Pink Riding HoodLa caputxeta rosayes
S3E04Scavenger HuntEl joc del tresoryes
S3E05Whos WhoQui és quiyes
S3E06Purple Panther (Part 1)La pantera morada - 1a. partyes
S3E07Purple Panther (Part 2)La pantera morada - 2a. partyes
S3E08The Blue KnightEl cavaller blauyes
S3E09The First Day Of SummerEl primer dia d'estiuyes
S3E10The Lazy CupLa copa vilamandrayes
S3E11Chef RottenfoodEl xef Cuinarànciayes
S3E12Breakfast At StephaniesEsmorzar amb esperllamisyes
S3E13The Holiday SpiritL'esperit nadalencyes
S4E01Lets Go To The MoonAnem a la Llunayes
S4E02The Last Sports CandyLes últimes esportllamisyes
S4E03Secret Friend DayEl dia de l'amic secretyes
S4E04New Kid In TownUn nen nou a Vilamandrayes
S4E05Time To LearnHora d'aprendreyes
S4E06Princess StephanieLa princesa Stephanieyes
S4E07Ziggys Talking TeddyEl Ziggi té un osset que parlayes
S4E08The Wizard Of LazyTownEl mag de Vilamandrayes
S4E09The Baby TrollLa trolletayes
S4E10The Fortune TellerL'endevinayes
S4E11Ghost StoppersEls atrapafantasmesyes
S4E12Robbies Dream TeamEl superequip del Robbieyes
S4E13Mystery Of The PyramidEl misteri de la piràmideyes